The event takes place globally, usually in February or March. Typical activities include talks, seminars, demonstrations, hackathons, training or the announcement of open data releases or other milestones in open data. In some countries it occurs along with Code Across coding events.
Celebrate Open Data Day
Open Data Day is an annual celebration of open data all over the world. Groups from around the world create local events on the day where they will use open data in their communities. As a way to increase the representation of different cultures around the world, in this edition we offer the opportunity for organisations to host the Open Data Day event on the best date for their location between March 4th and 10th.
If you have an idea for using open data, want to find an interesting project to contribute towards, learn about how to visualise or analyse data or simply want to see what's happening, then come participate! Participation is a core value of Open Data Day, everyone is free to voice their opinions in a constructive manner. No matter your skill-set or interests, we are encouraging organisers to foster opportunities for you to learn and help the global open data community grow.
Hey there open data enthusiast! You just saw that Open Data Day will be on Saturday 6th March 2021 and you're interested in hosting an event in your locality? Your only challenge now is finding the idea that will hit the right spot. Our friends from the open data community have some ideas and data sources worth checking out.
If you have data but don't know where to put it, you can use DataHub. You can publish datasets, search for relevant data, browse thematic data collections and request help with your open data publishing.
To discover environmental or climate data to use or get inspiration from for your Open Data Day event: visit the site, a World Resources Institute data portal; explore NASA's open data website; head to for earth observation data; or discover forest cover/loss data with Global Forest Watch.
If you want information on disaster risk management or resilience to natural hazards for your event, visit the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery Labs or Open Data for Resilience Initiative websites to discover tools and projects or find open data and resources to use via the Open Cities Africa project, Think Hazard, OpenDRI Index and Risk Data Library.
The Open Contracting Partnership and Hivos' Open Up Contracting websites provide lots of guidance and examples for people looking to do Open Data Day events focused on public procurement and spending. See also: the Open Data Charter guide to using open data to combat corruption.
The Centre for Humanitarian Data has over 17,000 humanitarian open datasets available via the CKAN-powered portal at which may help to highlight key issues about equal development. You can also visit the United Nations' Open SDG Data Hub, the World Bank Open Data portal or the large data harvesting portals like the European Data Portal.
General ocean data portals include EMODNet and the Pacific Data Hub. For oceanographic data - seafloor maps, temperatures, currents - try the International Oceanographic Data Exchange and Schmidt Ocean Institute. For data on ocean wildlife try the Ocean Biological Information System the Global Biological Information System and the Ocean Tracking Network. Global Fishing Watch focuses on fishing, especially on the high seas and Marine Traffic shows all kinds of vessels.
#OpenDataDay is the first event of the course Humanitarian Collaborative Mapping, organized by PoliMappers and coordinated by PoliMappers Faculty Advisor Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli, in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano and other numerous organizations active in the field of open mapping. In a series of meetings from March to May, participants will be introduced to OpenStreetMap (OSM) and to some examples of how the database is used. Moreover, they will learn how to manage the most popular and innovative tools through mapping sessions.The event on March 5th is held on the occasion of Open Data Day 2021 (March 6th), an annual celebration of open data all over the world. It is an opportunity to show the benefits of open data and encourage the adoption of open data policies in government, business and civil society.
Our main goal is boosting a debate on alternative, community-managed forms of housing in the city of Lisbon based on the model of grant of use and raising awareness on the importance of mapping accessible data on available real estate resources owned by the city
We have many open source software but they are not accessible to all people from Nepal as not all people can read English. Our goal is to create a technical dictionary where technical English words are translated in Nepali. By doing so Developers can incorporate such words into their softwares.
Pridi na Dan odprtih podatkov, spoznaj predvidene aktivnosti Ministrstvo za javno upravo pri odpiranju podatkov javnega sektorja in primer uporabe odprtih podatkov, ki ga bomo v DIH Slovenije predstavili skupaj z Mestna občina LjubljanaCome to Open Data Day, get to know the planned activities of the Ministry of Public Administration when opening public sector data and the case of using open data that we will present in DIH Slovenia with City Municipality of Ljubljana
GeOsm is an open geospatial data infrastructure whose goal is to centralise data at national scale to make it availabale to decisionmakers. This initiative is already present in 22 African countries since 2020.
The event will raise awareness for the use of data in adolescents and youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) related activities and the availability and access to Family Planning Services by mapping contraceptive methods and service availability around the university of Lome
Demonstrate how equal development within the digital ecosystem in Africa can be improved by leveraging data on online abuse and harassment of female journalists. Topic: iWatch Africa's Open Data Day Time: Mar 6, 2021 01:30 PM Africa/Accra Join Zoom Meeting =aG9nWS9qY0tTb2RURVhGeTQ3V3N3Zz09 Meeting ID: 846 9013 5074 Passcode: 360327
The webinar will seek to discuss no less than the following items: progress made in enhancing data availability and access for use in sustainable policy development; opportunities for open data in advancing the national and international development agenda; experience of non-state actors in leveraging existing data sources; challenges in utilizing existing data and research in youth advocacy; and possible mitigation measures to enhance uptake of data and research
To launch the MapaTanda Project (a portmanteau of Mapa -- which means a map -- and Tanda -- which can mean older adult but can also mean remember) is a project that seeks to improve the number and quality of data in OpenStreetMap that are important and relevant to older adults (senior citizens) and the ageing population (60+ years old) in the Philippines
The discussion will unfold current situation of security and intelligence information available to the public in Nepal, a policy stocktaking and way forward to generating greater awareness about national security in the realm of open data discourses
At our data club event, we will celebrate the Open Data Day, and furthermore, explore questions around 1) how to increase transparency and detect fraud and corruption in public procurement (PP), and 2) what specific skills, knowhow and tools are needed to empower different stakeholders to find evidence in case of potential hints for corruption
The event aims to create awareness on Open Data Day and how the students can use the data in developing innovative web and mobile applications to solve existing challenges in society. The workshop will consist of several topics with hands-on practice in between. In addition to the invited students from different universities in Zanzibar taking computer-related fields, the total participants are expected to be 100 consisting of more than 50% of the girls. Girls will be given higher priority during the application process.The celebration day will start with a networking session and three presentations from Ms. Raya Idrissa Ahmada who has worked as a Resilience Academy Internship Program coordinator under the Tanzanian Urban Resilience Program (TURP), SUZA YouthMappers chapter and currently YouthMappers Regional Ambassador in Tanzania; Mr. Massoud Mmanga Hamad who is a developer and Assistant Lecturer from the Department of Computer Science and IT and a Geonode developer under the TURP; Mr. Yussuf Said who is the head Pilot and Trainer at Tanzania Flying Labs. The participants will gain knowledge about open data and how they can utilize it in coming up with innovative web and mobile applications. And they will have vivid examples of people coming from computer science and engineering fields, now working with open data initiatives.The event encourages students to use the available open data, as well, as introduce some of the open source initiatives.
Political and didactic focus on open government and scientific data.We are introducing these discussions because they are fairly new to our local community.Schedule14:00 Opening14:30 Round Table I - Transparency as public policy16:00 Break16:15 Round Table II - Open Science17:45 ClosingRound Table I - Transparency as public policy. (duration: 1.5h)Moderator: Ana Paula GomesGuests: Jhonatas Monteiro (city council), Rafael Velame (journalist), Amanda Ribeiro (open gov activist)Mesa Redonda II - Ciência aberta (duração: 1h30)Moderator: Angelo LoulaGuests: Rodrigo Tripodi Calumby (UEFS), Washington Rocha (PPGM), Bethania Almeida (Fiocruz), Luana Farias Sales (IBICT)
If you have an idea for using open data, want to find an interesting project to contribute towards, learn about how to visualise or analyse data or simply want to see what's happening, then come participate! Participation is a core value of Open Data Day, everyone is free to voice their opinions in a constructive manner 2ff7e9595c